by Satish Pradhan Dnyanasadhana College



with integrity, social responsibilityand confidence, we think that learning should beinspirational challenging and fun and that’s why we areintroducing our app.Features of Institute :Excellent infrastructure.Accessibility from various parts of the city.Provided well equipped furnished science labs and otherdepartmental laboratories.Facilities for games and sports.Canteen with with both vegetarian and non-vegetarianfood.Well equipped Sound Recording Studio.Library with the seating capacity of 300 StudentsFeatures of Application :Satish Pradhan Dnyanasadhana College bridges the gapbetween college and students with this app.Get to know about us.Get daily updates via Notification System.Download the Prospectus directly from the app.Download the E-books from our E-Library.Get updates about the exam timetable and results.Connect with college through our YouTube, Instagramand Facebook accounts.